A Novel One of a Kind Camera
It took me a few tries but once I mastered the method of collecting photos I was blown away. I made a "spinorama" of Keisha (my German Shepherd) while she was sleeping and the results are incredible. Basically you just have to walk around your subject while snapping photos at regular intervals and Spinorama then allows you to play them back by swiping your screen backward and forward. It is the next best thing to having the object right in front of you. For my second masterpiece I had my wife rotate around on a stool while I took 16 separate shots and now I have the ultimate wallet photo to show off. Positioning hints for each shot are easily accessible by tapping the little "map" in the viewfinder.
The built-in spinoramas are very creative and have ambient audio that is cleverly controlled by the motion of the object. There is a 3-D panorama of a street scene in India that is just like being there (which, in fact, I have). You can hear all the different kinds of car, rickshaw, bus and taxi horns, an occasional dog, a crow, street voices--the works. All the while you can turn the view to look left, right or spin completely around. On a larger screen it would be even more immersive which makes me hope the developers will consider making an iPad version.
Box Seats Brad about
Spinorama 360 3-D Camera